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Sunday service is currently online only

Recent restrictions only allow for a small number of participants for our Sunday worship services. Because of this our services are online only. While we can’t gather together like before, we want to invite you to join us online. You can still experience our entire service live on Facebook or YouTube.

still experience life together

Even with current restrictions keeping us apart, we are never alone! Eastside still comes together online throughout the week for church community.

Also you can reach out to us at any time at info@eastsidecitychurch.ca

help us help others!

We are seeing an increase in people requesting help from our food bank. We could use your donations! We love when people donate peanut butter, jam, rice, canned soup, canned pasta, canned veggies, pasta, pasta sauce, flour, granola bars, kraft dinner, fruit snacks, crackers, tuna, paper towel, toilet paper, diapers, baby wipes, bar soap or cleaning supplies. If you want to schedule a time to drop off food at our building please email


Also, donations to our compassion fund allow us to purchase food in bulk which is a great way to support our food bank and hungry families in our community! You can donate online at https://eastsidecitychurch.churchcenter.com/giving