EAstside Small Groups

A new season of Small groups is starting back up!

In any Season of life we need Friends that share the same Faith and passions. This Season we are focusing on Small Groups and the lifelong friendships it can bring.

Where are you finding your Faith Friends? Or your Found Family?

Eastside Small Groups is your community that is growing, learning and having fun together! We would love to invite you to join our family with a small group just for you. Small Groups is about journeying along with people towards who God has called us to become. It is Christ centered Biblical community -- growing in maturity, discipleship, in prayer, in our spiritual gifts.

We're super-excited about Small Groups and can't wait to discover new communities and friendships together! What's more, we're planning for a few of our groups to be interactive online and in-house so you can experience community with your schedule. 

To sign up or find out more about our groups, click HERE!